Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Your momma wears combat boots

Oh think back to the days that this was one of the ultimate insults on the playground.... or just something that made you laugh with your friends. When your mom seemed alternately wacky, invincible, and a rock in your life.

And then you grow up. Why is it that mothers just know exactly where to hit their daughters to make them feel like garbage? Were we born with this knowledge? Or did we acquire it from them?

Why is it that the most painful blows in life can come from our parents and our children... I think it might be because they are the ones closest to us, but I don't think the answer is that easy. I think it is because they can live with us and still not have any clue about who we are.
Someone I love dearly just suffered such a blow. And as one who has lived through some similar outbursts in my time from the motherly direction, I can relate to the disgust, distrust, and disappointment that comes with it. This one truly hit below the belt and also involved my brother... soooo do not mess with my family... married in or otherwise. I know I should not be shocked. After all, my mom is still quite special in the responses she is able to elicit from me. Or that I allow to come out, but that is another blog.

All I can say is that I pray that I don't have to do that to my daughters. That I can love and accept them as they are. I guess to some extent I will always want them to be growing and maturing, but I can't dictate how that goes. All I know is that I have to do my best and then trust that God has them in His hands. I have to be okay, and trust me- I am, that they are not like me. I remember saying "I will never do what my mom does". There are many things that I hope that they say the same thing about me. I hope that they learn things faster than I did, or that they learn things without necessarily experiencing them. I wish that I could keep them from some of the pain that I put myself through. I can't. But I will not judge who they are based on the limited amount that I see. I want to know, appreciate, and value them. I hope that I succeed.

In the meantime, just remember that when your mom comes after you with her judgments and pat answers (the ones that worked for her) just think about her wearing combat boots.... and run for cover.

Love to you all out there, Muffinhound

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