Friday, August 17, 2007

I must be insane

You know the movie "While you were sleeping"? Well, I had an experience that was completely different, but made me think of it. I will explain.

My friend Cathy came over. She sews and I don't. She came over to measure my thirteen year old daughter and hem her uniform skirts. 'All the girls wear them short, mom'.

Cathy and I can get into trouble. We both are spontaneous people. We are both up for almost anything. Today we decided that pro football was on the menu. Sweet. We bought tickets to the October 28th 49ers vs Saints. The seats are amazing... and expensive. And all of this happened while my husband was in the other room taking a nap.

When he woke up, Cathy and I were chuckling like school girls. Cathy blushes and was doing a good job of turning the color of a beet. I think I just wore my I'm-really-in-trouble-this-time sheepish grin. I am so excited. I haven't been to a pro football game since the 49ers vs the Rams when they were still in LA. I was 17. THAT was 18 years ago... I would say that I'm due.

My husband was nodding in a dumbstruck manner while we explained our evil plot. He kept saying, 'okay', very slowly. He actually does not mind, but I know that he wishes that I would have talked to him first. I believe his words were, "I'm never going to take a nap again." He is a great sport. But I am also the wife that okayed him spending a couple hundred dollars a ticket to see the Diamondbacks win the world series when we lived there. I have sent him to Laker games AND we went to Las Vegas to see the US basketball team lose to Puerto Rico because of laziness and lack of communication. So I can have my sports adventure as well.

I'm completely stoked. This will be a blast.

Love to you all out there, Muffinhound.

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